Gray literature: storytelling to influence evidence-based policy
Storytelling and evidence-based policy: lessons from the grey literature
No cold war can stop this
Evolution of Science Diplomacy and Its Local-Global Applications
People don’t respond always to facts, here’s how to tell compelling stories (based on the literature)
How can we use the ‘science of stories’ to produce persuasive scientific stories?
Biases in Science Diplomacy: Read the disclaimer first
Conceptualizing science diplomacy in the practitioner-driven literature: a critical review
The International Network for Government Science Advice: we want you!
Science advice to governments: an emerging dimension of science diplomacy
Practical tips by ‘knowledge brokers’ for academic-policy communication
Creating and communicating social research for policymakers in government
Red riding hood and the Big Bad Wolf: Advice for effective science communication
• It should be admitted that cognitive biases usually blamed to policymakers are also found in the scientific community.
• There are three things to consider to establish an effective communication channel between scientists and policymaking: selective information to be shared, appropriate timing to act, engagement with real policy making is expected.
• The message is scientists should put themselves in the policymakers’ shoes and instead of sitting back and waiting for policymakers to change, they should also think how to adapt their strategy to approach them.
Team work is Dream work – researchers & policy makers working together!
Maximising the availability and use of high-quality evidence for policymaking: collaborative, targeted and efficient evidence reviews
Dissecting Research Proposal under a Microscope Lens
A better measure of research from the global south
Synthesizing evidence for science advice using four principles
Four principles to make evidence synthesis more useful for policy
We Need an Einstein in Every Ally McBeal
Evaluation of the quality of science, technology and innovation advice available to lawmakers in Nigeria
Science-policy-practice for climate research and action in cities
Accelerating climate research and action in cities through advanced science-policy-practice partnerships