Profile picture of: Oren Gazal-Ayal


University of Haifa

Research Interests



Oren Gazal-Ayal is an expert in criminal law and procedure and in law and economics. Most of his studies are interdisciplinary and written in collaborations with economists, psychologists, sociologists and other social scientists. He mainly studied plea bargaining and sentencing. His papers have been often cited in decisions of the Israeli Supreme Court. He is advising the Israeli ministry of justice on numerous legislative projects including sentencing reform and alternatives to criminal prosecution. He won several prizes for his research including the Minister of Public Security Prize (twice: 2002, 2008), the Dusty and Ettie Miller Prize for Outstanding Young Scholar (2008) and the Cegla Prize for the Best Article of Young a Legal Scholar in Hebrew (2008). He also won several prestigious and competitive research grants. Gazal-Ayal has been a visiting scholar in and visiting professor in numerous universities around the globe including NYU law school (1999) Connecticut law school (2004), Michigan Law School (with Fulbright, 2004-5), the Max Planck institute in Freiburg (2007) and Aix-Marseilles (with Erasmus Mundus Grant, 2008) and more. Gazal-Ayal is currently the president of the Israeli Association for Law and Economics, and a member of the European and American Law and Economics Associations, and formally a member of the young academic forum of the Israeli Academy of Sciences. Oren Gazal-Ayal is currently the Director of the Global Law Program in Haifa. He is also the coordinator of several international programs including the Erasmus Mundus European Master Programme in Law and Economics, the International Programme in Comparative Analysis of Institutions, Economics and Law and the Erasmus Mundus Programme – External Cooperation Window Lot 3. He has organized several international conferences and events including the Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economic (Haifa, 2008).