Profile picture of: Martijn Wieling


University of Groningen

Center for Language and Cognition Groningen

Oude Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat 26, 9712 EK Groningen, Netherlands

Research Interests

Dialectometry, articulatory phonetics, computational linguistics


Martijn Wieling is Professor by special appointment of Low Saxon / Groningen Language and Culture at the Center for Groningen Language and Culture and an Associate Professor at the University of Groningen. In addition, he is Affiliated Scientist at Haskins Laboratories. His research focuses on investigating language variation and change quantitatively, with a specific focus on the Low Saxon and Groningen language. He uses both large digital corpora of text and speech, as well as experimental approaches to assess differences in the movement of the tongue and lips during speech. Since April 2018, Martijn Wieling is the vice-chairman of De Jonge Akademie (The Netherlands).


European Young Research Award (2016)

NWO Veni research grant (2013)

NWO Rubicon research grant (2012)

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