Profile picture of: Marko Sabovljevic


University of Belgrade

Research Interests



Marko Sabovljevic was born on 05. April 1974, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. He graduated Biology (2000, BSci, University of Belgrade) and then received MSci (2003, University of Belgrade), PhD (2006, University of Bonn) in Biology. Following the post-docs, in 2008, he joined Faculty of Biology academic stuff at University of Belgrade as Assistant Professor in Department of Plant Ecology and Phytogeography. He is giving various courses like Molecular Ecology, Biogeography, Plant Ecology, Biodiversity Conservation or Bryophyte Biology, for example. His research interest goes to plant sciences and narrows to bryophyte biology i.e. any problem targeting bryophytes from the molecule to ecosystem level. Thus, his studies includes both field and laboratory work, both fundamental and biotechnological problems and bryophyte conservation. He published over 110 scientific papers, with focus on bryophytes, which even though the second largest group of terrestrial plants, are not receiving attention as much as vascular plants and a lot assumptions and not-known still waiting to be explained. He was a fellow by national (Serbia, Italy, Germany) and international funds, and visiting scholar in many European Institutes and Universities. He is founder and leader of Bryological Asociation of South-Eastern Europe and a part member of many scientific societies and working groups. He is reviewer in 18 scientific journals and associate editor in three. He participated over 30 scientific meetings world-wide and organize a few.