Profile picture of: Mujtaba Ali Isani


Quaid-e-Azam University

School of Politics and International Relations (SPIR)

SPIR, Quaid-e-Azam University, 45320 Islamabad, Pakistan

Research Interests

Political Behavior


Topics to speak on:

anything related to Politics and Policy

Words of Wisdom

Be in this world as though you were a traveller


Prof. Dr. Mujtaba Isani is DAAD Long-term Guest Professor at the Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad, Pakistan. Previously, he was a Senior Research Scientist at the German Center for Integration and Migration Research, a Visiting Professor at the University of Muenster, Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Mannheim, and an Assistant Professor at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.


Illinois Wesleyan University Presidential Scholarship

Pi Sigma Alpha Best Paper Award

Francis R. Aumann Best Paper Award

Russell Sage Foundation Grant

Minerva Short-Term Fellowship

APSA MENA Leadership Grant


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