Profile picture of: Liat Ayalon


Bar Ilan University

Research Interests



I am a Clinical Psychologist and Professor in the School of Social Work at Bar Ilan University, Israel. My research concerns three major areas: a) Ageism: discrimination based on age. I have studied this topic using existing datasets to identify macro- and micro-level predictors of ageism. In addition, I have collaborated with researchers from plastic surgery and dentistry to identify the role of appearance in the experience of ageism and in perceptions about old age; b) the intersection of formal (paid) and informal (unpaid by family and friends) care to older adults. As part of this work, I have studied different types of formal care services for older adults, examining all parties involved: older adults, formal care providers and informal

care providers. Due to the applicable nature of my work, I was invited to present my work to a special committee on elder care organized by the Israeli parliament as well as to the National Insurance Institute of Israel; and c) the integration of mental health in primary care. As part of this line of research, I have investigated the treatment of mental health in primary care. This work was funded by the National Institute for health Policy Research and the Clalit Health Care Fund and parts were carried out in collaboration with the WHO depression in primary care coordinator. I also serve as a consultant for a national program for elder suicide funded by the Israeli Ministry of Health.