Profile picture of: Kelly Babchishin


University of Ottawa

Royal’s Institute of Mental Health Research

1145 Carling Ave (4th floor),
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1Z 7K4

Research Interests

risk factors for the onset and maintenance of sexual offending behaviours; pedophilia; child pornography offenders; risk assessment


Dr. Kelly Babchishin is a Banting (Canadian Institute of Mental Health Research) Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Ottawa’s Institute of Mental Health Research and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. Kelly’s doctoral dissertation examined change in acute risk factors of sex offenders; her current research involves identifying early risk factors for the onset of sexual offending. Her other research interests include online sexual offending, pedophilia, and risk assessment. She is also co-editor of an academic blog in the field of sexual violence:

Kelly Babchishin also published on scale development and measurement issues, and provided input on survey designs (e.g., item selection, item formulation), online recruitment strategies, and analyses.