Profile picture of: Jan Frederik Gogarten


Helmholtz Institute for One Health; University of Greifswald

Ecology and Emergence of Zoonotic Diseases; Applied Zoology and Nature Conservation

Fleischmannstraße 42, 17489 Greifswald, Germany

Research Interests

One Health
Evolutionary community ecology
Wildlife diseases
Environmental DNA
Wild non-human primates
Emerging infectious diseases


Jan is a wildlife disease researcher at the Helmholtz Institute for One Health and the University of Greifswald, Germany. The emergence of pathogens from ecosystems can have drastic consequences for humanity and at the same time, disease plays a critical role in regulating wildlife populations and their long-term conservation. Jan’s research seeks to build a basis for conservation policy aimed at living with biodiversity in a sustainable manner, both by understanding the processes that influence and maintain animal and microbial diversity in ecosystems, while developing strategies to understand and mitigate disease emergence in human and wildlife populations.