Profile picture of: Jeremy Kerr


University of Ottawa


30 Marie Curie
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1N6N5

Research Interests

Global change biology, conservation biology, macroecology, evolutionary ecology, science policy, science communication


Jeremy Kerr is Professor of Biology and holds the University Research Chair in Macroecology and Conservation at University of Ottawa. He completed his PhD at York University and postdoctoral fellowship in Zoology at the University of Oxford, with Lord Robert May and Sir Richard Southwood. His research program includes vigorous pure and applied dimensions, focusing on how global changes affect species and ecosystems as well as how to improve prospects for conservation. He focuses particularly on butterflies and bumblebees. He has published nearly 80 peer-reviewed papers in journals such as Science, Nature, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  Kerr’s work has been featured in media around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, and many national broadcast media and has been featured in Parliamentary briefings and presentations in the UK and Canada. He is  President-elect of the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) and very active at the science-policy interface, contributing to development of national science and conservation policy and legislation in Canada. Kerr was selected for the Global Young Academy in 2011 and is a member of uOttawa’s Institute for Science, Society, and Policy. His awards include the Governor General’s Gold Medal, Early Researcher Award, and Young Researcher of the Year. He continues to contribute to international science initiatives independently and in support of GYA member activities.


Governor General’s Gold Medal

Early Researcher Award

Young Researcher of the Year

Visiting Senior Research Fellowship, Oxford
