Profile picture of: Jackie Dawson


University of Ottawa

Department of Geography, Environment, and Geomatics

Department of Geography,
University of Ottawa, 60 University Ave.
Ottawa ON, K1N 6N5, Canada

Research Interests



Jackie Dawson is an Associate Professor cross-appointed in the Department of Geography, Environment, and Geomatics and the Institute for Science Society and Policy at the University of Ottawa, Canada. She was named the Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy (ESP) in 2011; received SSHRC Connection, Insight, and Partnership LOI grants in 2012, 2014, and 2015; was named a Fellow of the Canadian Geographic Society in 2015; awarded an Ontario Early Research Award in 2015; and was elected as a member of the international Global Young Academy in 2016. Jackie completed her Master of Arts at the University of Otago, New Zealand under the supervision of Dr. Michael Hall, her PhD at the University of Waterloo, Canada with Dr. Daniel Scott, and her post-doctoral research in the Environmental Change Group with Dr. Barry Smit at the University of Guelph, Canada. Jackie leads the Environment, Society, and Policy Research Group (ESPG) (, which bring together scholars from a variety of disciplines to study the policy and human dimensions of environmental change. The ESPG is primarily focused on understanding socio-economic and political implications of environmental change in the Arctic including the opportunities and risks of climate warming and sea ice change. Jackie is an applied scientist working extensively with multi-sectorial stakeholders such as industrial shipping companies, tourism operators, government agencies, and Inuit organizations.

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