The Global Young Academy’s first ever e-Conference provided an opportunity for a first GYA pre-conference e-workshop, on 25 June 2020, which focused on Open Science.
Open Science is a global movement that plays out in many different ways at the local level and therefore requires coordinated global, regional, national and local action. UNESCO is the ideal partner to foster such coordinated action, and our workshop, co-organized with UNESCO, also serves as a stakeholder consultation for the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science.
The e-workshop was organized by the GYA’s Immediate Past Co-Chair Koen Vermeir (CNRS) in cooperation with the Global Working Group on Open Science, a joint initiative by the GYA and several National Young Academies who are working together to provide input to the UNESCO Recommendation.

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After two keynote presentations by Simon Chaplin, Director of Culture and Society at the Wellcome Trust and Ana Persic, from UNESCO, members of the GYA and representatives of National Young Academies discussed the perspectives, opportunities and challenges of young scientists in the context of the transition to open science.
UNESCO recognizes that young scientists play a key role in research, innovation and shaping the future of science, and is eager to incorporate their perspectives in a global consultation to develop the future of Open Science. The results of the discussions at the e-workshop will be consolidated as a contribution from young scientists to the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science.
For more details about the UNESCO Recommendation, please see:
For more details about the Global Working Group on Open Science, see: