The GYA’s Executive Committee has launched the Global Young Academy’s Strategic Plan for the years 2024-2027.
Find the document here: GYA Strategic Plan 2024-2027 – Global Young Academy
This comprehensive roadmap, crafted through collaborative efforts among the diverse members of the GYA community, delineates our vision, mission, values, and strategic priorities that will steer our collective actions and endeavors in the years ahead.
To learn more about the strategic plan, visit the GYA website here
Additionally, the GYA Co-Chairs Priscilla Kolibea Mante (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana) and Felix Moronta (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Italy) have prepared an introductory video offering an overview of the plan and its key components:

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Invaluable input, dedication, and commitment by the members of the GYA have played a pivotal role in shaping this strategic plan. We urge you to review the document and watch the video to gain deeper insights into our shared vision and strategic priorities.
The GYA Executive Committee will be hosting interactive sessions during upcoming Town Hall meetings and our Annual General Meeting and International Conference of Young Scientists in Washington, D.C., which will provide opportunities to delve further into the strategic priorities set out in this plan.