On 8 August, GYA members from Japan Wataru Iwasaki and Yoko Shimpuku met the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr Shinzo Abe, and the Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy, Mr Takuya Hirai, to report the recommendations from the G7 Academies Meeting held in Paris in March 2019. Wataru and Yoko, representing early-career researchers, were assigned to their roles by the Science Council of Japan (SCJ).
The topics of the G7 Academy Meeting this year were Science and Trust, Artificial Intelligence, and Citizen Science in the Internet era. Wataru explained recommendations on Science and Trust, and Yoko spoke about the recommendations on Citizen Science.
The recommendations include the promotion of science education from early ages, the expansion of budget schemes for science and technology, and the use of science in human-centered ways. The whole statements are available on the website of Académie des sciences (France): https://www.academie-sciences.fr/en/Press-releases/2019-g7-statements-academies-science.html
Photo from the website of the Prime Minister’s Office of Japan: https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/98_abe/actions/201908/08shukou.html