
News of the Global Young Academy

GYA-member Federico Rosei inaugurated as first UNESCO Chair on Materials and Technologies for Energy Conversion, Saving and Storage (MATECSS) at INRS, Quebec, Canada

20140422_01_Frederico Rosei as UNESCO Chair on materialsOn 10 April 2014 GYA member Federico Rosei – Professor and Director of Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications, Université du Québec, Varennes (QC) Canada – was inaugurated as UNESCO Chair on Materials and Technologies for Energy Conversion, Saving and Storage (MATECSS). Congratulations!

The chair is linked to the “Decade of Sustainable Energy for All” (2014-2024) declared by the UNESCO. The chair’s scientific and technical program is designed to take up this challenge through knowledge transfer and advanced training on emerging energy technologies. For more information on the UNESCO Research Chair and its activities please visit

Sustainability and “Natural Resources in a Finite World” are also the topic of this year’s 4th International Conference of Young Scientists and Annual General Meeting of the Global Young Academy. You can find more information about this event at

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