Profile picture of: George Mbogo


Nucleus Network

Laboratory Medicine

Nucleus Net,work Ltd

5th Floor Burnet Tower

89 Commercial Road 3004,

Melbourne, Victoria Australia

Research Interests

Laboratory Practice

Infectious diseases

Non-communicable diseases

Translational Medicine

Health systems


Topics to speak on:

Drug discovery, Microbial diversity, Non-Communicable diseases

Words of Wisdom

“If no one would open doors for me, I will do it myself, my way and on my terms.” George Mbogo


Dr. George Williams Mbogo PhD is a Ugandan born and trained Global Health Practitioner and Medical Research Scientist living and working in Melbourne Australia.  He is passionate about translating cutting edge science into Medical practice and patient care as depicted from his recent career shift from Medical Research to Clinical Pathology Practice. He is currently a Technical officer at Nucleus Network LTD, a Laboratory Medicine Graduate Trainee at RMIT University Australia; and a Pathology Laboratory Associate with both Northern Hospital Melbourne, Victoria He previously held an appointment as a Medical Research Officer at the Burnet Institute and La Trobe University Australia where he trained into a successful drug discoverer for major diseases of global health importance including HIV, Heart Failure, stroke, Diabetes, and malaria.  His initial success was the discovery of 5 novel patentable drug series for Heart Failure and other cardiovascular conditions at La Trobe University Melbourne during his PhD studies. This work attracted a La Trobe University Nancy Millis Gold Medal of Research Excellence in 2017 and a full-blown drug discovery program to advance these drugs to the clinic.
This discovery attracted a postdoctoral fellowship through the Burnet Institute to fast-track the discovery of better drugs against multi-drug resistant HIV at the using Fragment based drug design (FBDD). His efforts led to discovery of drugs with better properties against circulating HIV-1 compared to those in clinical use. He is also engaged with a consortium developing novel methods of HIV prevention in women through (pre-Exposure Prophylaxis).
Considering his Ugandan roots, past experiences in Sleeping sickness, malaria along with his personal encounters with direct effects of preventable tropical diseases and HIV, he has embarked on a health system strengthening journey targeting the pathology sector in Africa. This translational journey will leverage from a South-North active benchmarking strategy attained from formal training and pathology practice using Australia as a hub to drive technological and technical transfer to Africa. This would replicate the best practices in clinical diagnostics to Africa and in turn improve the standard of care and ultimately increase the life expectancy and productivity for sustainable development. His efforts in using Science for Social Impact attracted membership to the Global Young Academy, Pan-African Australian Diaspora Network (PAADN), Victorian Royal Society, Australian Virology Society, Golden Key International  and Australian Centre for Hepatitis Virology.His open to sharing knowledge across all domain of his specialty to areas in need.


9th Australasian Virology Society 2017 ViiV Healthcare Australia Postdoctoral Award ($1000.00) held from 5-8th/12/2017.

La Trobe University Nancy Millis Medal Awardee 2017 for PhD Research Excellence among 1600 HDR students.

Poster prize winner, Young Scientist Forum on Cell death and Survival symposium at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne, on 9th/09/2016.

La Trobe University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship from 2014-2017

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