Aiming to excite and encourage two grades of secondary school students to pursue a science-based career, this YSAP activity entailed a non-traditional educational initiative. In September 2010, Caradee Wright was asked to be the Patron of Geography at a local high school, St. Mary’s Diocesan School for Girls (DSG), in Pretoria, South Africa. This role entails engaging with school teachers as well as linking school learners to the ‘real world / real science’ through different activities.
The Global Young Academy General Assembly and International Conference held during 20-23 May 2012 brought international delegates to South Africa. Four GYA conference delegates: Julia Baum, Yael Hanein, Maryam Matin and Evelyn Runge in coordination with Caradee Wright were asked to participate in various outreach activities, including participation in events at local schools.
These delegates devoted their time on Thursday, 24 May 2012, the day after the conference, to visit a high school, DSG, in Pretoria and share something about their career and their science.
The teacher, Ms. Jacqui Brown, arranged for two sessions, each with a different grade of learners, first Grade 12 learners (aged approximately 18 years) and second, Grade 11 learners (17 years).
Each of the GYA conference delegates gave a 10 minute talk or presentation to the two groups of learners and then engaged in an energetic and interesting series of questions and answers between the learners and themselves.
Some of the insights about this experience as the full mission report of this YSAP funded exchange can be found here.