The Science of statistics as a means of shaping the world through science

• Science is shaping the world, the entire world!
• Government policies though, are not common in all countries of the world, in some countries they are based on scientific data, in others not so much.
• In developing countries such as Nigeria, there is a gap between policy-making and scientific facts and this, needs to change!

How to navigate the ‘how to’ literature on influencing policy

• There are few empirical studies about how scientists can influence policy and create impact, and yet, how-to literature on this topic abounds.
• The one-size fits all model in much of this how-to literature privileges scientists with time, access, resources and confidence.
• Researchers wishing to make policy impact may spend their time more wisely by reading less how-to articles, and instead clarifying, alongside with their universities, their purpose, goals and available/required resources.