Policy learning, a proactive approach: Clash of the clans rebooted?
Scientific assessments to facilitate deliberative policy
New funding approaches towards Challenge-driven research
The construction of new scientific norms for solving Grand Challenges
Closing the gap between evidence construction and policy impact
Integrating evidence, politics and society: a methodology for the science–policy interface
The Science of statistics as a means of shaping the world through science
• Science is shaping the world, the entire world!
• Government policies though, are not common in all countries of the world, in some countries they are based on scientific data, in others not so much.
• In developing countries such as Nigeria, there is a gap between policy-making and scientific facts and this, needs to change!
How to navigate the ‘how to’ literature on influencing policy
• There are few empirical studies about how scientists can influence policy and create impact, and yet, how-to literature on this topic abounds.
• The one-size fits all model in much of this how-to literature privileges scientists with time, access, resources and confidence.
• Researchers wishing to make policy impact may spend their time more wisely by reading less how-to articles, and instead clarifying, alongside with their universities, their purpose, goals and available/required resources.
Lessons on science advisory systems: a perspective from Canada
Reflections on science advisory systems in Canada
Building the Foundations for Scientific Advice in the International Context
Building the Foundations for Scientific Advice in the International Context
How does spatial and temporal aspects influence science advice?
Temporal and spatial dimensions in the management of scientific advice to governments
Progress of science and technology for disaster reduction in Asia
Perspectives of Science and Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction of Asia
Academic culture must evolve to remain societal-relevant
Evolving academic culture to meet societal needs
Paving a path from pessimism to confident decision-making
How can we demonstrate the public value of evidence-based policy making when government ministers declare that the people “have had enough of experts”?
Science Leads – A Tale of Humanity
Six Transformations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals