Last Friday, 11 July 2014, a GYA brainstorming session with the EU Commission’s Joint Research Centre and the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC) took place in Brussels, in order to identify undetected challenges for research.
Each participating young scientist brought along a so far “undetected challenge” for consideration by the group. The participants prioritised and discussed them in clusters such as Ready for the Future (Technology), Ready for the Future (Society), The Future of Democracy and Science Diplomacy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation as well as Global Gaps/Broken Links.

In the final session breakout-groups discussed challenges and paths to solutions under the exciting headings of “Invisible Worlds”, “Dealing with Uncertainty” and “Cognitive Bias”. Each young scientist committed to a future task in the closing session. The Director General of EU Commission’s Joint Research Centre, Vladimír Šucha, perceived this workshop as a starting point of cooperation and a positive experience. He suggested a structural dialogue between the JRC and the young academies. After the workshop, the GYA leadership met with representatives of the JRC and EASAC and agreed on the next steps for cooperation.