
News of the Global Young Academy

Sri Lankan Academy of Young Scientist (SLAYS) launched in October 2012

20121030_01_group photo SLAYS launchAnother Young Academy has been launched in 2012 – this time in Sri Lanka. These exciting news were forwarded to us by GYA- Member and SLAYS founder Vinitha Thadhani.

The launch was supported by the National Academy of Science Sri Lanka (NASSL) and the inauguration took place prominently during the General Assembly of the Association of Academies and Societies of Science in Asia (AASSA), with many senior academies present.

The goal of SLAYS is to give young scientist of Sri Lanka a voice and amongst others to link with other national young academies, as well as international academies – such as the Global Young Academy.

Congratulations to the 10 founding members of SLAYS and we are looking forward to good cooperation!

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