Workshop description: Open Science is a global movement that plays out in many different ways at the local level. Indeed, countries and regions have very different Open Science aspirations, cultures, infrastructures and regulations. In this workshop, we will discuss how we can facilitate international or even global action on Open Science, which, in turn, could strengthen the local initiatives. What are the challenges and the main obstacles to be overcome? And how can the Global Young Academy and the National Young Academies make a difference? In the second, interactive, part of the workshop, we will discuss the ongoing UNESCO consultation on Open Science and the draft response by Young Academies.
Keynote presentations:
* Simon Chaplin, Director of Culture and Society, Wellcome Trust & future CEO of Arcadia.
* Ana Persic, Chief of Section, Science Policy and Partnerships, UNESCO.
When: 25 June 2020: 10:00-13:00 UTC
Registration: The workshop is open to NYA representatives and GYA members and alumni. If you would like to attend, we kindly ask you to register directly through Zoom, here:–vrTItG9OzV-3Dyz1-z5Xz1aDr8U7I
Workshop organisation: Immediate Past Co-Chair Koen Vermeir (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France)
Supporting Documents and Video
Transcript of key-note presentation Simon Chaplin (PDF)