
News of the Global Young Academy

GYA Connections #10 is now available!

The latest edition of GYA connections magazine is now available!

The themed articles in Connections issue 10 examine “Leadership”, and explore the issue from various angles, including articles titled “Leadership skills in the scientific workforce”, “Leading during the COVID-19 pandemic: Notes from Egypt”, and “Defining science leadership for the GYA”.

Other articles feature past GYA Co-Chairs discussing their time leading the GYA, an article on combating “Hardcore science skepticism”, and a feature on “Science with Society: A Trust in (Young) Scientists video project”.

The issue also introduces the 39 amazing members of our 2022 cohort!

You can find the link to Connections 2022 here, and if you would like a hard copy, please email our ">Media Office for a request – be sure to provide your mailing address.

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